The many faces of plagiarism: infographic
This is the first plagiarism infographic we have ever produced. There will be more to come. In addition to the many plagiarism and writing tutorials we have published on our site over the years, we’ve been getting requests to create materials that cater more to visual learners. As such, we have created at least 5 video tutorials and we are now excited about developing fun info-graphics that learners and educators can use to target specific aspects of academic integrity. But what makes infographics such an awesome medium to deliver information? There are so many reasons, but these are our top four:
1- Scientific evidence suggests that as much as 90% of the information our brain retains is somewhat connected to our visual perception. This makes infographics an ideal teaching tool to help students memorize and remember key information.
2- Infographics use fun and eye catching images and other visuals without too much text. Most young learners are digital natives who respond positively to visual information.
3- Infographics are easy to share and distribute. This infographic can be downloaded as an image or as a PDF and is easily uploaded to any website, learning management course or Facebook group. Some teachers opt for a high resolution print of their favorite infographics to hang on their classroom walls.
4- Infographics can be an ideal solution when working with students who have certain learning disabilities or have a short attention span. Because an infographic, in general, targets a single specific point, it is much more manageable for these students to quickly and efficiently engage with the content.
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