Academicplagiarism is proud to offer customized proofreading and editing services for academic and business purposes. Our team of editors consists of seasoned professionals and North American university professors from various academic and business disciplines. We are ready to review your documents and provide valuable and practical feedback to help you meet your deadlines and turn your draft into an engaging and compelling product.
Premium editing and proofreading services
At Academicplagiarism we pride ourselves on outstanding service and exceptional value. When you trust us with your work, we treat it as ours and never compromise on quality or integrity. Our ultimate goal is to earn your trust by helping you reach your goal. Our professional editors are ready to review your document and provide high quality feedback that turns your draft into a compelling piece of writing. We offer editing and proofreading services to students, authors and businesses. Choose from one of our popular editing packages.
By using Academicplagiarism, you are entrusting your valuable work with highly qualified editors with many years of academic teaching experience. Unlike most online editing services, we do not hire college graduate students to review your work. Instead, we work exclusively with professors from North American colleges and universities who do assessment and editing for a living. Further, all our editors must complete a comprehensive training to ensure that that they meet our rigorous editing standards. You are, therefore, guaranteed a high level of professionalism and our commitment that the feedback you receive from our editors will exceed your expectations.

We provide comprehensive feedback on multiple aspects of language including form, grammatical accuracy, effective word choice, organization of ideas, style and referencing. Our staff of skilled editors provide compelling comments that help you deliver your message eloquently and effectively, while ensuring that your voice remains present and strong throughout the entire process.
Upon receipt of your file, your document and specifications are reviewed by a senior editor. Your work is then matched with a highly qualified expert in your field who will immediately begin the editing process. You will receive a penultimate version of your edited document within a time-frame of 3 business days (unless you chose rush processing). If fully satisfied with the editing, the project is marked as complete. Otherwise, you may contact your editor to request further adjustments.

Basic Package

- Typographical errors
- Punctuation
- Basic grammar
Advanced Package

- Basic Package +
- Structure
- Grammar
- Word Choice
- Organization
Premium Package

- Advanced Package +
- Style
- Referencing
- Impact
- Plagiarism detection